OMNIA 3 Data Export

1. Introduction

On tenants, the data available on lists can be exported to a CSV file.

2. How to export list data?

To export list data you must select the option on the bottom right side of the list, next to the pagination options.

Please note that the option availability is configurable, so it might not be available on all lists.

2. How to configure the list export parameters?

When the user is exporting for the first time on a new machine/browser, a prompt is shown so that the user sets the following parameters value:

  • Column Delimiter: the character used to delimiter the CSV columns. Default value is comma (‘,’)
  • Decimal separator: the character used to separate the integer from the fractional part for a decimal field. Default value is period/dot (‘.’)
  • Date format: the format for date fields to be exported. Default value is dd/MM/yyyy

The configuration is saved on the browser local storage, and it can be changed on the Change CSV settings option on the top right side user menu.