All the information regarding our User Interface Components. Use your own Components on OMNIA Pages

1. Introduction

On OMNIA Platform models, you can add your own Components to be used on Pages.

These components have the same purpose as the ones available on Forms and Dashboards but, unlike those, they can be fully controlled by the modeler.

Components can be visual (e.g. inputs) or functional. Users can interact with the visual components directly, while functional components are used to execute multiple processes behind the screen (e.g. fetch data, act as container to render other elements).

OMNIA Platform contains a small number of internal components, and new ones can be added to each model, according to its needs. Multiple packages with different components can be uploaded, and you can develop your own components. To start, we suggest using the package made available by the OMNIA Platform, that you can find here.

2. Components Structure

On the modeler perspective, a Component is composed by the following definitions:


The component attributes contain data relevant to define the component and change how it renders and behaves on a page. A component can have multiple attributes, and they can be different between components.

An attribute can be required, and have a default value to be suggested when modeling. An attribute can be defined with three different direction types:

  • Outbound: An attribute that is read-only by default. Only the Component can change the value. It cannot be changed when interacting with the page;
  • Inbound: An attribute whose value can only be changed by page interaction;
  • TwoWay: An attribute whose value can be changed by the component or as a result of page interaction.

Attributes can have multiple purposes. Let’s see some common scenarios:

  • Handle a value: When the component is located in a page, it can be bound with a Entity Attribute. We can have an attribute where the value will be available to be rendered
  • Change the Component Behaviour: Attributes can change how the Component behaves on a page. As an example, we can have an attribute that sets the Component as readOnly or changes a internal label

An attribute value can be set in multiple ways. See our Pages documentation to learn more.


On a Component, Events are triggered by user actions. A key press, mouse click or value selection are common events that we execute everyday when interacting with a browser.

When a Component is in a page, it can have a Behaviour associated with the Event. When that happens, the modeled code expression will be executed when the event is triggered.


While events are executed automatically as a result of the user interaction with the component, Methods are executed as a explicit call on a code expression.

The Methods have entry parameters, whose values should be sent when calling them. A component can have as many Methods as necessary.

3. Internal Components

OMNIA Platform has four internal components:


The forEach is a functional Component that iterates a collection, and renders child Components for each record of the collection.

A common scenario for this component is to render lines of a Collection attribute (Commitment, Event, or non-root Generic Entity).


Property Direction Data Type Description
binding Inbound Object This property is used to define the collection that will be iterated


This Component doesn’t have events.


The runQuery Component executes a previously modeled query and returns the result to be rendered.

A common scenario for this component is to execute a query that feeds a list.


Property Direction Data Type   Description
query Inbound Reference/Query The modeled query to be executed  
records Outbound Object The list of records obtained as the result of the query execution  
columns Outbound Object The structure of the columns returned on each record  
dataSource Inbound Text The dataSource instance where the query is going to be executed  
parameters Inbound Object Parameters to be applied when executing the query  
filters Inbound Object The filters to be applied to the query  
sorting Inbound Object The sorting criteria to be applied  
currentPage Inbound Integer The number of the page being retrieved  
pageSize Inbound Integer The number of records to be returned  
totalPages Outbound Integer The total number of pages that can be obtained for the current query and page size  
totalRecords Outbound Integer The total number of records that can be returned as the result of the query execution  
isLoading Outbound Boolean Boolean to indicate if the query is being executed and data is still loading  


Event Description
BeforeLoad Code executed before making the request to the API
OnLoad Code executed when data is retrieved from API, before being rendered
OnLoadError Code executed when the request to retrieve data returns an error


Method Description
refresh Method that executes the query to retrieve new data
exportCSV Method that requests to the API a data export to CSV


The entityForm is a functional Component that can be used to handle a data of a modeled Entity.

It provides properties that handle the read, create, update, delete and destroy operations for a entity instance.

Child components must be included to show data and execute operations.


Property Direction Data Type Description
definition Inbound Reference The modeled entity the Form is referencing
dataSource Inbound Text The dataSource instance where the entity is being created/edited
code Inbound Text The instance of the definition being edited
data Outbound Object The instance data contained in the form component
hasChanges Outbound Boolean Flag to indicate if the data contained in the form has changed
useTemporary Inbound Boolean Flag to indicate if the create/edit operation is using a Temporary
hasErrors Outbound Boolean Flag to indicate if the form has errors
state Outbound State The state machine state of the entity
newInstance Outbound Boolean Flag to indicate if a we’re creating a new entity
hasAfterSave Outbound Boolean Flag to indicate if the entity type has an after save behaviour
isProcessing Outbound Boolean Flag to indicate if a request is being processed
security Outbound Security Object that has a set of flags with the user privileges to read, write, delete or destroy
attributes Outbound Object The set of the attributes of the entity type the form is referencing
hasSensitiveData Outbound Boolean Flag to indicate if the form contains sensitive data


Event Description
OnSave Executed when the Save operation is finished with success. Can be used to show a success message and redirect the user
OnSaveError Executed when the Save operation is finished with error. Can be used to show the error to the user
OnDelete Executed when the Delete operation is finished with success. Can be used to show a success message and redirect the user
OnDeleteError Executed when the Delete operation is finished with error. Can be used to show the error to the user
OnDestroy Executed when the Destroy operation is finished with success. Can be used to show a success message and redirect the user
OnDestroyError Executed when the Destroy operation is finished with error. Can be used to show the error to the user
OnLoad Executed when the data Load operation is finished with success. Can be used to remove a loader
OnLoadError Executed when the data Load operation is finished with error. Can be used to show the error to the user
OnUpdateData Executed when the Update operation is finished with success
OnUpdateDataError Executed when the Update operation is finished with error. Can be used to show the error to the user


Method Description
save Method that makes a request to the API to save the form data. It has 2 optional parameters related to the state machine: decision and comment
delete Method that makes a request to the API to delete the current entity instance
destroySensitiveData Method that makes a request to the API to destroy sensitive data for the current entity instance


Property Data Type Description
decisions StateDecision A list of decisions available on the state
disableAttributes Boolean Flag to indicate if all attributes are disabled
disableOperations Boolean Flag to indicate if all operations are disabled
enabledAttributes String A list of enabled attributes
enabledOperations StateOperation A list of enabled operations
name String The name of the state
Property Data Type Description
commentType String The type of the comment: None, Optional or Required
label String The label of the decision
name String The name of the decision
order Integer The order of the decision within the state
Property Data Type Description
path String The path of the operation. Filled when the operation is inside a collection
type String The type of the operation. Possible values are: Update, Add, Delete
Property Data Type Description
canDelete Boolean Flag to indicate if the user can delete the current instance
canDestroy Boolean Flag to indicate if the user can destroy sensitive data of the current instance
canRead Boolean Flag to indicate if the user can read the current instance
canWrite Boolean Flag to indicate if the user can create a new instance or make changes


The Selector component retrieves an Enumerator keys and labels translated to the user current language.

This component can be used to obtain Enumerator data to be used by another element or behaviour.


Property Direction Data Type Description
selector Inbound Reference This attribute is used to define the Enumeration Selector whose configuration will be retrieved
entries Outbound SelectorKey A list containing the entries of the Enumeration


Event Description
OnLoad Code executed when Enumerator data is retrieved from API, before being rendered. Can be used to store that data to be rendered on a select Component


Property Data Type Description
key String The key of the selector entry
label String The label of the selector entry

4. Modeling Components

How to add a new Components package?

To add a new components package go to the Modeling area, find the User Interface / Components option on the menu and access it. This will take you to your components package management dashboard.

Now select Add new and fill in the following information:

  • Name: the name of the asset (needs to be unique within the model);
  • Description: the textual explanation of the theme’s purpose (can be used as development documentation);
  • Component file: the package file (*.tgz) that contains a set of components.

You can download our Base Components package from the GitHub repository as a source for the property Component file above. In order to do that, click here to access the repository. Then click on right side option Releases, open the latest version and download the file named omnia-base-components-vx.x.x.tgz.

How to edit a Components package?

By accessing User Interface / Components in the sidebar and selecting one from the list.

You can upload a new version of the components package.

5. Components Usage

Components are available to be used on modeled Pages. See how its done here.

6. Create new Components

You can create your own components to ensure the best user experience.

To start, we suggest cloning OMNIA Base Components repository, check out how the components work and start creating your own Components.