Summary of the Management area of the platform

1. Introduction

The Management area of the platform is where administrative tasks are performed, such as tenant and security management.

2. Tenant Management

A Tenant is the primary organizational level of the platform. You can think of a tenant as an instance of an application for a given company - for example, you might have an AnalogSound_ExpensesManagement and an AnalogSound_Purchases tenant, to separate those two applications. You could also have a CompanyB_ExpensesManagement tenant that represents the same application, but for a different company.

Tenants may be categorized as production, in which case they require fiscal information.

By accessing Tenants in the sidebar, you will have access to the tenant management screen.

Here you can Add new tenants, manage the existing ones, and reset credentials for the default tenant database user.

2.1. Add a new Tenant

To add a new Tenant, we must identify their Code (shown in URLs), define a human-readable Name, and their production information.

Upon creating a tenant, some security information will automatically be created:

  • An Administration[TenantCode] role, with your current user added to it;
  • A Tenant[TenantCode] policy, with a default permission of “ALL”; with the previous role associated.
  • Inside the tenant, the default application roles and policies.

3. Roles and Policies

In the management section, it is possible to configure Roles and Policies. For more details on these, please see the description of how authorization works, as well as the language definitions.

For users to be able to perform administration operations on a given tenant, they must be in the automatically created Administration[TenantCode] role.

4. Connectors

To allow to establish a communication between the OMNIA Platform and a system in another machine, it is required to register a Connector.

By accessing Connectors, you will have access to the Connectors management screen.

Here you can Add new connectors, identifying their Code and Name.

Upon creating a connector, a new API Client and a new User for the connector will be automatically created.

4.1. Get the Connector’s username

In the Connectors list, selecting one of the records will open a new window containing the Client Username.

4.2. Get the API Client credentials

In the Connectors list, selecting one of the records will open a new window containing the required credentials to accessing the OMNIA API: the Client ID and the Client Secret.