Release Date: 2025-02-17
Implemented enhancements:
- Lists: precision is now configurable on decimal columns
- Authorization Roles: role description can now be configured
- Improved error messages when disabled attributes are changed on a collection
- Editable Grid: added a label when there are no records and they cannot be added
- Validate required attributes and other rules when data is inserted on a modal (Grids on mobile devices and Calendars)
- CSV Export settings are now configurable after selection
- Authorization Roles: it is possible to add users to roles without any privilege
- Authentication providers: LinkedIn authentication provider not working
- Authentication providers: Error on authenticating when there is more than one active OpenID Connect provider
- Modeler: It is possible to define a collection with minimum and maximum as 1
- Modeler: error when removing entries from an automatically generated menu
- Modeler: when an entity is created with a different case of a removed one, an error occurs
- Modeler: Events and Commitments should not be available to be added as a reference attribute
- Modeler: It is possible to drop unsupported attributes on a Tab Control
- Modeler: Filters by integer or boolean columns on lists not working
- Modeler: On Query list, filter on Definition Type column are case sensitive
- Asynchronous operations for a tenant are retried after the tenant is removed
- State Machines: Attributes and operations can be enabled multiple times
- Enumerations: Tooltip shows the value instead of the description
- Calendar: When select range is active and a new entry is added, it changes existing records
- UI: When a temporary fails to update, the user cannot proceed with data insertion
Release Date: 2025-01-08
Implemented enhancements:
- Modeling: Added filter to interface Elements Tree
- Operations Center: Filter and Sort abilities added to operations list
- Breadcrumb path and page title can be set on UI Behaviours
- Temporaries are now removed immediately after an entity is saved
- Performance: Improvements on resource utilization
- Menu: Changes to menu metadata on onSelect behaviours are not applied
- Menu: Entries without a defined type cannot be added as favorite
- Lists: Duplicated requests to API when navigating between pages
- Calendar: UI breaks when calendar entry form has a reference attribute that allows multiple records
- Pages: When a page is opened on a modal and a second modal is opened, it runs the first page Initialize behaviour
- Pages Modeling: Error when editing date variables without default value
- Queries Modeling: Cannot add column definition on some queries
- Text templates Modeling: Improved screen usability
- State Machines Modeling: Entity not found when enabling operations in a collection
Release Date: 2024-10-10
- Modeler: Loader does not disappear when user tries to download a build from a tenant without any build
- Modeler: TabControl is removed from the entity form if a change to the entity that involves form recalculation
- Lists: Navigate and Open as Modal actions do not open the expected entity if the action is set on a column whose name is not on lowercase
Release Date: 2024-07-15
- State Machines: When enabling an operation related to a collection, an error is shown when selecting the collection attribute
Release Date: 2024-06-25
Implemented enhancements:
- Upgraded packages
- Application Menu: new isCollapsed attribute to control if the menu starts expanded or collapsed
- Calendars: When exporting events on year view, an empty file is generated
Release Date: 2024-06-04
Implemented enhancements:
- Upgraded packages
- Swagger: Improved description on Text Templates endpoint
- Setup page is no longer available after initial setup is executed
- Model Validators: Data Behaviours on non-root generic entities are shown as a warning instead of an error
- Event Store: Snapshot events to improve performance
- Swagger: When there are two endpoints with same path but different HTTP verb, both endpoints are expanded when clicked
Release Date: 2024-05-16
Implemented enhancements:
- New Tab Component available on Forms and Dashboards
- Code Editors now include the method signature
- Upgraded packages
- Stability improvements
- Modeling: Build and Import process are now asynchronous and show the operation progress
- Management: Unable to recreate a deleted tenant
- Modeling: Cannot select attributes to enable on a state
- Modeling: After a successful build, on the homepage the builds tile still shows pending changes
- Modeling/Management: Optimize the number of requests to the API
- Fixed validations and error messages when an entity code is over the 32 characters max limit
- Modeling: When an entity is deleted and recreated with the same identifier, the previous entity definition is shown
Release Date: 2024-04-23
Implemented enhancements:
- Health Check: SMTP check now waits 15 seconds for a response from the SMTP server before returning a Degraded state
- Modeling: Language Translations can now be selected when defining a translated attribute
- Unable to recreate a deleted tenant
- Modeling: Cannot select attributes to enable on a state
Release Date: 2024-04-05
Implemented enhancements:
- Assets are available to be used on Text Templates
- Features Management: Swagger endpoint can now be disabled
- Tenants: New Role on Tenants to grant connectors adequate privileges
- Modeling area: Alert modelers if they make a Build & Deploy request with unsaved changes
- UI Modeling: new option to navigate to attribute settings, on the attribute context menu
- State Machines: Enabled operations/attributes feature supported on nested collections
- Calendar
- Performance improvements when adding multiple events on same request
- Export events to CSV and ICS
- WebApp: When users logs out in a tab, it doesn’t reflect on other tabs
- Forms/Dashboards: vertical scroll is always shown
- Modals: Close button label is not translated
- Modeler: on new Tenants, homepage dashboard data is not loaded until the first build is deployed
- Modeler: If user makes changes using View Json option, it is not alerted of changes pending save when navigating
- Queries are not properly executed if there is an attribute named User
- Calendar: dates available on metadata and on Date Range Change behaviour are sensitive to the computer timezone
- Management area: When user clicks to filter a column but does not insert data, filter is applied but not visible
Release Date: 2024-03-15
Implemented enhancements:
- New Primitive attribute type: File
- Open and close Containers on Javascript expressions
- Open and close Grid Details area on Javascript expressions
- UI: When Menu is collapsed, on hover an empty area is shown between the menu and the option description
- UI: Favicon is kept in cache after being replaced
- State Machine: When a state is removed, the history panel breaks on entities that passed through it
- API: An error occurs on create entity requests when the code is sent as null
- Role Management: Privileges list is not ordered correctly and records are repeated pages
- Lists: When user clicks to filter a column but does not insert data, filter is applied anyway
- Grids: When editing a grid line on mobile devices, if an attribute visibility is changed it is not reflected on the UI
- Calendar: Records are duplicated when added as a range and then edited
- Languages: If a user has selected a language that is later deleted, the template expression is shown instead of the translated texts
This version contains breaking changes. Upgrade to OMNIA Connector is required. Compatible with Connectors that use the Connector Protocol Version 3.3
Release Date: 2024-02-21
Implemented enhancements:
- Upgrade to .NET 8 runtime
- Identity Server: Token lifetime settings are now configurable on Platform Settings area
- Management Area:
- User is unable to access a tenant when it is added to multiple tenants simultaneously
- When a Tenant is created as Inactive, user is asked for a Platform Restart
- Connector Management: Connector cannot be accessed if its APIClient is removed
- Runtime logs list is not ordered by Modified Date
- Tenant Security: Entity Permissions are not removed when the Entity is deleted
- Text Templates: where condition from Liquid template language is not available
- Mobile devices:
- Theme selection has no effect
- Cannot export list as CSV
This version contains breaking changes. Upgrade to OMNIA Connector is required. Compatible with Connectors that use the Connector Protocol Version 3.2
Release Date: 2024-01-12
Implemented enhancements:
- DataSource: Timeout value for Application Behaviours and After Saves is now configurable
- UI Behaviours: Methods to use Browser storage now accessible on Context
- Dashboards:
- Create new Entities using modals
- New UI Behaviours: Create and Refresh
- Lists:
- Edit Entities using modals
- Events can be triggered when clicking on any column
- Forms:
- New UI Behaviour: After Save
- Page navigation after submit is now configurable
- Calendars:
- New UI Behaviours: On Form Open, On Form Close and On Event Click
- Calendar: Scheduler view not working when categories have non-alphanumeric characters
Release Date: 2024-01-03
Implemented enhancements:
- Improved performance on queries to OMNIA Database
- Swagger: Reorganize endpoints into logical groups
- Management: Add filters and sorting to API Clients, Connectors and Authentication Providers Lists
- Modeling: Set a range of valid values (minimum and/or maximum values) on Integer, Decimal and Date attributes
- Language selector not visible on Tenant and Identity pages
Release Date: 2023-11-27
Implemented enhancements:
- Management: Add filters and sorting to Language and Tenant lists
- Identity and Tenant selection pages can be translated to platform languages
- UI: When an Exception is thrown on a Entity Behaviour, the temporary is recovered to its previous state
- Platform Settings: new area to customize the platform Images (Background, Logo and Favicon) and page title
- Remote UI Development option not working
- Select Role/Language lists have multiple options that don’t work (sorting, filtering)
- Management: Open in Application button located on Tenants list not visible on mobile devices
Release Date: 2023-10-27
Implemented enhancements:
- When there are new platform versions available, users are notified on Management and Modeling areas
- Addition of links to navigate to reference entities on Modeling area lists
- Queries/Lists: New filters on text columns (EndsWith, NotEndsWith, NotEqualTo, StartWith, NotStartsWith)
- Read-only mode on forms: When user has Read privileges only (no Write privilege), the entity is now shown in read-only mode
- Improve User Experience on Calendars:
- See all label replaced with an icon
- Mobile devices
- When a day has events, it is possible to see the list of events on a modal
- When there are multiple events on a single day, a ellipsis is shown to indicate that there are events not visible
- On scheduler view, a tooltip is shown when category label is clicked
- UI: Occasionally icons are not loaded correctly
- Error executing a Text Template when there are duplicated translations
- Standardize toasts shown when duplicating a entity on Modeling area
- Unused CRUD privileges are being generated for non-root entities
- On a Dashboard Modeling, if a list does not have a value for isEditable attribute, editable list properties are shown
- Mobile Devices:
- When creating or editing an entity, the breadcrumb state machine title overlaps the first attribute label
- On Calendars, the label that contains the visible period changes position according to its size
This version contains breaking changes. Upgrade to OMNIA Connector is required. Compatible with Connectors that use the Connector Protocol Version 3.1
Release Date: 2023-10-10
Implemented enhancements:
- Redesign Application Behaviours modeling page
- Duplicate entities on Modeling
- It is now possible to duplicate Commitments, Events, Queries, Lists, Dashboards, Themes, Text Templates and Pages
- Query Editor: When generating a list automatically, the modeler can now set the new list name
- Runtime Logs accessible on Management area
- Pages:
- Improve redirection on Pages generated by a recipe by having the suggested variable value containing the partial path
- Improve inputs on Pages generated by a recipe, so that the input can easily be replaced by other element
- Modeling: Error on adding a non-root entity with nested collections to another entity
- Modeling: On Advanced Queries, JSON Editor and Preview Editor are not synchronized
- Modeling: Etag error when performing sequential changes to a calendar located on a Dashboard
Release Date: 2023-09-13
Implemented enhancements:
- Calendars: Replaced mouse over text with a styled tooltip
- Operation Results: Improve and translate toaster texts
- Modeler: Menu entries are now sorted alphabetically
- Calendar: Switching to another calendar view not working on first attempt
- Javascript files syntax highlight not working on browser console
- Query Modeling: Boolean values are not shown on query result preview
Release Date: 2023-08-25
Implemented enhancements:
- New feature: Addition of Pages concept to the model
- Introduction of the additional modeling concepts, to be used with Pages:
- On Swagger, the suggested RequestBody for Patch requests is not valid
- Modeler: When external entity is created using API and has Data Behaviours, the expression is replaced with a default value
Release Date: 2023-07-31
Implemented enhancements:
- When creating a new Connector, the generated email address is now available on the credentials modal
- Modeling: Update with JSON modal no loger closes when clicking the ESC button
- When editing an entity, URL is case sensitive
- Forgot Password/New User emails are not sent if there are duplicated platform translations
- Removed duplicates from translations
Release Date: 2023-06-07
- When a list is exported to a CSV, the file is not being downloaded in Macintosh devices
- Columns visible according to the screen size are not being correctly rendered
- Lookups on reference attributes located in collections are returning an error when the entity is accessed using its URL
- Fixed security issues
Release Date: 2023-03-31
Implemented enhancements:
- Modeling: Improve Get Entity accelerator to take into account if attributes are required
- Security: Access to Modeling is now controlled in the Management area instead of the Tenant Security area
- Dates are shown on multiple formats
- Error message not clear when entity is destroyed multiple types in a row
- Error on build when a model has an entity named Task
- If ENUS language is deleted from Management area, an error occurs when accessing Modeling, Security or Management area
- Lists: On Modeling area and when a list does not have data, hidden columns still reserve space on header
- Modeling/API: Error when creating a new entity with a Enum attribute
- Modeling: Cannot change an attribute name