Database Development

1. Initializing Database Development

OMNIA Platform Database Development hold the Database of a Tenant. To open it when locally running a Development Environment, check the Docker icon in your computer task-bar, right click it and open the Dashboard. That’s where your OMNIA Platform Development Environment is running, containing all the different Containers.

To access your subscription Database, you first need to instantiate pgAdmin. For that open http://host.docker.internal:16543 on your Browser.

16543 is the default port of pgAdmin, but it can be customized. Check here on how to find a customized port.

Since version 3.4.131 of the Development Environment, connection to OMNIA local server is predefined, and the server is automatically listed.

For previous Development Environment versions, execute the following steps:

  1. Log in pgAdmin using the following credentials:
Password omniaomnia
  1. Connect to the OMNIA Platform database:
  • In the “Browser” section, right click in “Servers”;
  • Select “Create” and then “Server...”;
  • Set a Name at your preference;
  • Select the “Connection” tab;
  • Set “omniaplatform_database” as Host name/address;
  • Set the default port 5432 as Port (check here on how to find a customized port);
  • Set “omnia” as Username and Password;
  • Hit Save.

You’ve successfully added the new OMNIA local server to pgAdmin. To check the OMNIA database click in the dropdown next to the new server, then do it again in “Databases” and “omnia”.

That’s it! Now you have access to the entire subscription database, allowing you to locally run SQL Queries with IntelliSense that supports entity and platform properties and variables.

2. Find a customized port

Open Docker Desktop and expand the containers of the OMNIA Platform project. Now check the “PORT” number of a container.

For example, with the default configurations, you should find 16543 as “omniaplatform_pgadmin” and 5432 as “omniaplatform_database” ports.