All the information regarding OMNIA Platform Page generators. Create new pages for your entities with a couple of clicks.

1. Introduction

You have full freedom to design your model Pages as you want.

But sometimes we just need to quickly create a Page, to be used as a starting point or on a Demo.

To ensure this scenario is covered, Omnia Platform includes a page generator. This generator has a couple of templates that can be used to create pages that cover specific use cases.

2. Generate a Page

When adding a new page, modelers are prompted to choose a template. The following templates are available:

  • Create an empty blank page: generate a new empty Page;
  • Create or update an Entity: generate a Page ready to create or update a given Entity. Can be used instead of the automatically generated Form;
  • List entities returned by a Query: generate a Page that, based on a given query, is ready to show records on a list. Can be used instead of the automatically generated Dashboard.

When the template is executed, it generates a page that is ready to be used. The result includes a number of Components, Variables and Url Parameters. To generate a page the Omnia Base Components package must be imported.

When a page is generated using a template, the following variables are created:

  • Create or Update an Entity:
Variable Type Description
redirectTo Text The OMNIA page address to redirect the user when entity is save, deleted or destroyed
showErrors Boolean Boolean to indicate if page errors should be visible
isLoading Boolean Boolean to indicate if the page is loading. A loader is shown if true
openCodes Text A list of collection records whose details are opened
decisions Object A list of state machine decisions to be rendered
mainDecision Object The main state machine decision
stateMachineDropDownOpen Boolean Boolean to control if the state machine dropdown is opened
optionsDropDownOpen Boolean Boolean to control if the options button dropdown is opened
canDelete Boolean Boolean to control if the user has privileges to request a entity deletion
canDestroy Boolean Boolean to control if the user has privileges to request a entity sensitive data destruction
  • List entities returned by a Query:
Variable Type Description
currentPage Integer The number of the page being currently shown in the list
pageSize Integer The number of records being requested when executing the query
detailsPage Text The code of the Page modeled to be opened when navigating to create or edit a record
listSorting Object The list of columns where sorting are applied
listFilters Object The list of columns where filters are applied
hideFilterPanel Boolean Boolean that determines the list filter panel visibility.
listErrors Text The list of errors of the rendered data list

At last, the following Url Parameters are created when generating a page:

  • Create or Update an Entity:
Url Parameter Type Description
code Text The code of the entity to be edited. It’s not used when creating an entity
  • List entities returned by a Query:

No Url parameters are created when executing this template.