1. Introduction
You have full freedom to design your model Pages as you want.
But sometimes we just need to quickly create a Page, to be used as a starting point or on a Demo.
To ensure this scenario is covered, Omnia Platform includes a page generator. This generator has a couple of templates that can be used to create pages that cover specific use cases.
2. Generate a Page
When adding a new page, modelers are prompted to choose a template. The following templates are available:
- Create an empty blank page: generate a new empty Page;
- Create or update an Entity: generate a Page ready to create or update a given Entity. Can be used instead of the automatically generated Form;
- List entities returned by a Query: generate a Page that, based on a given query, is ready to show records on a list. Can be used instead of the automatically generated Dashboard.
When the template is executed, it generates a page that is ready to be used. The result includes a number of Components, Variables and Url Parameters. To generate a page the Omnia Base Components package must be imported.
When a page is generated using a template, the following variables are created:
- Create or Update an Entity:
Variable | Type | Description |
redirectTo | Text | The OMNIA page address to redirect the user when entity is save, deleted or destroyed |
showErrors | Boolean | Boolean to indicate if page errors should be visible |
isLoading | Boolean | Boolean to indicate if the page is loading. A loader is shown if true |
openCodes | Text | A list of collection records whose details are opened |
decisions | Object | A list of state machine decisions to be rendered |
mainDecision | Object | The main state machine decision |
stateMachineDropDownOpen | Boolean | Boolean to control if the state machine dropdown is opened |
optionsDropDownOpen | Boolean | Boolean to control if the options button dropdown is opened |
canDelete | Boolean | Boolean to control if the user has privileges to request a entity deletion |
canDestroy | Boolean | Boolean to control if the user has privileges to request a entity sensitive data destruction |
- List entities returned by a Query:
Variable | Type | Description |
currentPage | Integer | The number of the page being currently shown in the list |
pageSize | Integer | The number of records being requested when executing the query |
detailsPage | Text | The code of the Page modeled to be opened when navigating to create or edit a record |
listSorting | Object | The list of columns where sorting are applied |
listFilters | Object | The list of columns where filters are applied |
hideFilterPanel | Boolean | Boolean that determines the list filter panel visibility. |
listErrors | Text | The list of errors of the rendered data list |
At last, the following Url Parameters are created when generating a page:
- Create or Update an Entity:
Url Parameter | Type | Description |
code | Text | The code of the entity to be edited. It’s not used when creating an entity |
- List entities returned by a Query:
No Url parameters are created when executing this template.