Here's all you need to know about how to build and model Enumerations for your web applications.

1. Introduction

In OMNIA Platform you can add your own enumerations, in order to support definitions with multiple constant values.

2. Model Enumerations

Each enumeration contains a set of ordered constant values, and can be used as attribute in the entities.

How to add a new enumeration?

By accessing Business / Enumerations in the sidebar, you will have access to the enumerations management screen.

Selecting the option Add new in the list of enumerations, you need to fill the following information:

  • Name: the name of the enumeration (needs to be unique within the model);
  • Description: the textual explanation of the enumeration purpose (can be used as development documentation).

How to add a new value to an existing enumeration?

By accessing Business / Enumerations in the sidebar, select one of the enumerations of the list.

In the Enumeration page will you have a list with all the values. In that list, choose the option Add new, and fill the following information:

  • Name: the name of the value (needs to be unique);
  • Description: the textual explanation of the enumeration value purpose (can be used as development documentation);
  • Label: the text shown in the value selector, to represent the enumeration value;
  • Order: a value used to order the enumeration values.