How to configure Omnia-CLI to use for local development

1. Introduction

When behaviours are developed locally, they must be synchronized with Omnia model, using Omnia-CLI.

Omnia-CLI is a command line interface that simplifies the interaction with Omnia API when downloading, uploading and synchronizing models.

Omnia-CLI is already installed on Development container, but it can also be installed on local machines.

2. Install

Installation process is described here

To use Omnia-CLI for synchronizing behaviours code with a tenant, a new Api Client must be created and associated to a tenant.

3. Setup

To configure the CLI to communicate with a subscription open a command line and execute the following command:

    omnia-cli subscriptions add --name [Name] --endpoint [Endpoint] --client-id [ApiClientId] --client-secret [ApiClientSecret]


Parameter Description
Name An unique identifier for the subscription
Endpoint The Omnia subscription endpoint. If interacting with a local installation, insert http://host.docker.internal:5000
ApiClientId The Api Client Id
ApiClientSecret The Api Client Secret


    omnia-cli subscriptions add --name local --endpoint http://host.docker.internal:5000 --client-id myclientid --client-secret myclientsecret