OMNIA 3 BMLApplicationBehaviour


Behaviour used to extend the application, which execution can be triggered from another behaviour (entity or data) or directly (using the API).


Name Type Aggregation Kind Multiplicity Length Description
Name Text None 1..1 1..32 The name of the entity (unique identifier).
Description Text None 0..1 0..1024 The textual explanation of the entities’ purpose.
Expression Text None 1..1 None The C# code that will be executed.
BehaviourNamespaces BehaviourNamespace Composite 0..* None A collection of entries representing the coding namespaces to be included (as usings) on code generated.
DataSource DataSource Shared 1..1 None The Data Source where the behaviour is executed.
ExecutionLocation ExecutionLocation None 1..1 None The location where is executed.