OMNIA 3 BMLAttribute


Allow to define the structure of an entity and represents a property in the data you can read or write.


Name Type Aggregation Kind Multiplicity Length Description
Name Text None 1..1 1..64 The name of the entity (unique identifier).
Description Text None 0..1 0..1024 The textual explanation of the entities’ purpose.
Type Text None 1..1 None The data type: can be a Primitive, an Enumeration or a reference to an Entity.
Multiplicity Multiplicity Composite 1..1 None The representation of the minimum and maximum number of records.
IsSystem Boolean None 1..1 None Indicates if the attribute is generated by the platform or user-defined.
IsReadOnly Boolean None 1..1 None Indicates if the attribute’s value can be changed by the user’s input
AggregationKind AggregationKind None 1..1 None The nature of connection between the entity and the data type.
DependsOnAttribute Text None 0..1 None In Shared attributes whose Type is from a custom Data Source, indicates the attribute used to identify the Data Source.
IsSensitiveData Boolean None 0..1 None Indicates if contains sensitive data. If so, the information can be destroyed.
Length Length Composite 0..1 None Define minimum and maximum length of attribute value.