OMNIA 3 BMLBehaviourDependency
Assembly or Expression loaded to be used on behaviours.
Name | Type | Aggregation Kind | Multiplicity | Length | Description |
Name | Text | None | 1..1 | 1..32 | The name of the entity (unique identifier). |
Description | Text | None | 0..1 | 0..1024 | The textual explanation of the entities’ purpose. |
Type | BehaviourDependencyType | None | 1..1 | None | The dependency type. |
Version | Integer | None | 0..1 | None | The version of the dependency. |
ExecutionLocation | ExecutionLocation | None | 1..1 | None | The location where is loaded. |
Path | Text | None | 0..1 | None | The path from where the dependency is loaded. |
AssemblyName | Text | None | 0..1 | None | The assembly name of the dependency (when the Type is ‘File’) |
Expression | Text | None | 0..1 | None | The C# code that will be executed (when the Type is ‘Expression’). |