OMNIA 3 BMLDataSource


Representation of a system that allows to store entities and/or execute behaviours.


Name Type Aggregation Kind Multiplicity Length Description
Name Text None 1..1 1..24 The name of the entity (unique identifier).
Description Text None 0..1 0..1024 The textual explanation of the entities’ purpose.
Attributes Attribute Composite 0..* None A collection of entries that allows to define entity’ structure.
EntityBehaviours EntityBehaviour Composite 0..* None A collection of entries representing how the entity behaves.
DataBehaviours DataBehaviour Composite 0..* None A collection of entries representing how the entity’ data is stored and retrieved.
BehaviourNamespaces BehaviourNamespace Composite 0..* None A collection of entries representing the coding namespaces to be included (as usings) on code generated with your data and entity behaviours.
BehaviourRuntime RuntimeLocation None 1..1 None The location where the entitys’ behaviours are executed.
DataAccessRuntime RuntimeLocation None 1..1 None The location where the data behaviours are executed.
ExecutesInConnector Boolean None 1..1 None Indicates if the Data Source is executed using the platform’s connector.
BehaviourDependencies BehaviourDependency Composite 0..* None A collection of entries that allows to define which dependencies are loaded in the Data Source.


Name Type Description
Defaults Initialize