
Definition of an entity possible state.


Name Type Aggregation Kind Multiplicity Length Description
Name Text None 1..1 1..24 The name of the entity (unique identifier).
Description Text None 0..1 0..1024 The textual explanation of the entities’ purpose.
IsInitial Boolean None 1..1 None State machine first state. One state machine can only have one initial state.
DisableOperations Boolean None 1..1 None Disable all operations when the entity is in the current state.
DisableAttributes Boolean None 1..1 None Disable all attributes when the entity is in the current state.
AssignToExpression Text None 0..1 None C# expression to define to whom will be assigned the record when it is in this state.
Transitions StateTransition Composite 0..* None Collection of transitions that can happen in the current state.
Decisions StateDecision Composite 0..* None Collection of decisions that the user can take in the current state.
EnabledOperations StateEnabledOperation Composite 0..* None Collection of operations to enable. This is an exception list when the DisableOperations configuration is active.
EnabledAttributes StateEnabledAttribute Composite 0..* None Collection of attributes to enable. This is an exception list when the DisableAttributes configuration is active.
Behaviours StateBehaviour Composite 0..* None A collection of entries representing how the state machine behaves.