OMNIA 3 UIMLInnerElement


Child Element


Name Type Aggregation Kind Multiplicity Length Description
Name Text None 1..1 1..64 The name of the entity (unique identifier).
Description Text None 0..1 None The textual explanation of the entities’ purpose.
Label Text None 1..1 None Label to display in the application.
HelpText Text None 0..1 None Text/annotation to help the user.
Type ElementType None 1..1 None  
Attributes ElementAttribute Composite 0..* None  
Behaviours ElementBehaviour Composite 0..* None  
Elements InnerElement Composite 0..* None  
Row Integer None 1..1 None The layout row in which the element will be placed.
Column Integer None 1..1 None The layout column in which the element will be placed.
Size Integer None 1..1 None The element size on a scale of 1 (the smaller size) to 12 (the bigger size).
IsHidden Boolean None 1..1 None The visibility of the element (hidden or visible).
VisibleFrom ScreenSize None 0..1 None The visibility of the element, related to the user’s device screen size (at sizes smaller than the one selected, the element will be hidden).